A Points of Light Conference Through a BIPOC Lens
InVoices, author Breauna Dorelus explores the deeply rewarding and unique Points of Light Conference that she and other BIPOC attendees experienced this summer in Houston.
“As soon as I knew I was going to the Points of Light Conference, I also knew that this year some ideas were stirring in me that I wanted to explore,” Dorelus writes. “As an attendee for the past eight years, I’ve had conversations with other Black and Brown Volunteer Leaders who yearned to create spaces where we could share our unique lens of community and what it means to lead individuals in service from our context of culture, lived experience and care practices with each other. We have a unique experience in this sector and it's essential for there to be spaces for us and facilitated by us. I continued to hear: ‘We want to connect.’ ‘I need to know I’m not alone.’”
Dorelus gives a moving account of how BIPOC conference attendees, with the support of Points of Light leadership in partnership with Connecting the Cause, were able to experience spaces of sharing, networking and conversation. As Dorelus writes, “It happened and it was the first-ever gatherings of its kind in this space. This article will share a recap of the intentionality that took place, hear first-hand accounts of what it meant for those who were there, and share reflections from our beautiful time together.”
Available September 27