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Claire Haggarty

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Claire Haggarty, a former primary school teacher, moved to her first volunteer management role in 2016 in a busy London museum and heritage attraction. After winning a highly commended award for encouraging, managing and supporting others as a part of that work, she continues to support best practice in volunteer management through her work with the Heritage Volunteering Group ( and as a Trustee of a local museum. 

Haggarty is keen to promote emotionally intelligent leadership in organisations that promote cross-departmental or multi-skilled working, especially in relation to community engagement. She is equally keen to champion mentoring and programmes for young people, using volunteering as a vehicle to help young people overcome social inequalities, an education system weighed heavily towards the academically capable. Haggerty would like to pursue an interest in psychology to offer greater support to volunteers and explore business leadership in more detail. 

Twitter: @haggarty_claire